
The Bunbury Cemetery Board is a State Government Authority. The Members of the Board are appointed by the Minister for Local Government and are audited by the Office of the Auditor General on a yearly basis.


For those interested in conducting further research or if you are just interested in the history of Bunbury and the Cemetery.


Bunbury cemetery

The Bunbury Cemetery was established on this current site in 1914, with the first burial taking place in the middle of that year.

Bunbury Cemetery Board

Bunbury Cemetery Board offices

The Bunbury Cemetery Board is directed by a set of clear objectives and guided by the values of Compassion, integrity, Tranquility, Growth & Innovation and Teamwork.

Policy & Legislation

Legislation & policy

Visitors to the Bunbury Cemetery must adhere to the Cemeteries Policies. The Cemetery Board is also guided by government policy as set out in two primary legislative acts.